Eating 5 soaked almonds in the morning gives these 10 benefits

Eating 5 soaked almonds and take 10 benefits

5 soaked almonds 10 benefits – Almond trees are found more in mountainous areas. Its stems are thick. Its leaves are long, broad and soft. The meat inside its fruit is called almond.

Almond trees are found in abundance in countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. in Asia. Its trees are found in Jammu and Kashmir in our country. Its tree is very big.

There are two species of almonds, one bitter and the other sweet. Almonds are nutritious. Almond oil is also extracted. We should not use bitter almonds because it is harmful to the body.

Almond is a hot, smooth, semen enhancer and data destroyer. Sweet-soaked almonds are semen-enhancing and eliminate pitta and data and increase phlegm. Its use is harmful to the patients of hepatitis.

Instead of eating almonds in the same way, soak it in the water at night and eating it in the morning is more beneficial than peeling it. Plain almonds contain tannins that prevent the absorption of the nutrients present in the almonds.

If you soak almonds in water at night and eat in the morning, the tannin is removed. By eating this, the nutrients present in the almond begin to fully absorb in the body. Here are
5 soaked almonds 10 benefits in water.

Diabetes: Eating it keeps blood sugar level in control and prevents diabetes

Increasing upward effect is reduced: Soaked almonds contain antioxidants that reduce the effect of increasing age.

Strong Muscles: Soaked almonds are high in protein which makes the muscles strong.

Heart Problem: Eating soaked almonds reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which helps to protect against heart problems.

Digestion: The fiber present in it strengthens the digestion and helps in relieving constipation.

Healthy Skin – At night, almond soaked in water contains Vitamin ‘E’, which makes skin soft and shiny

Cancer – The flavonoids present in it helps to protect against cancer.

Pregnancy – It contains omega 3 fatty acids which help in pregnancy.

Strong teeth – contain phosphorus, which makes the teeth strong and protects against gum problems.

Infertility- It contains folic acid which helps to increase infertility

On the bite of a mad dog: Take 4 grams of almond oil with honey and eat it, the poison of mad dog is removed.

Toothbrush: Burning the peel of almond and adding salt to it, rubbing it on the teeth makes the teeth clean and shiny. Kapoor and cardamom are also added to it for fragrance.

5 soaked almonds 10 benefits – After burning the peel of almond fruit, making coal, its powder should be taken 100 grams. Add 10 grams of powdered nutmeg, small cardamom seeds, puffed alum, and camphor, and grind them finely in a mortar and keep them safe. By rubbing this dental brush on the teeth, the teeth become clean and the gums are also strong.

Burn almond peel and cover it. On the second day, grind it and grind one-fifth of the ashes mixed with alum or rock salt. By brushing with this powder, the teeth are not only clean, as well as all the diseases of teeth are also removed.

Bark raised from Bhilwan (a wild tree): Grinding almonds and applying it to the bark raised from Bhilwan (a wild tree) is beneficial.

When prickles of prickles get prickled: Applying almond oil on prickles of prickles provides relief.

Headache: Almond and saffron should be mixed with cow’s ghee and applied in the head or for three days, eat almond kheer or add almond and ghee to milk and apply in the head. Headache is cured by this in no time.

Grind almond and camphor in milk and apply it on the forehead, it cures headache and headache. Massaging almond oil on the brain is beneficial.

Mix 10 grams of almond kernel, 1 gram camphor, 1 gram saffron, sugar candy, and cow’s ghee and cook on a light flame, and if only ghee is left, filter and fill it in a vial, giving it to the patient cures headache. is.

Massaging Almond Rogan on the head ends headaches. Grind one almond kernel with mustard oil and rub it on the head. Soak 10 kernels of almonds, 6 grams of Brahmi herbs, and 7 whole black peppers at night and peel them in the morning and grind them to make it cool and mix sugar candy in it and drink it continuously for 40 days to relieve any kind of headache. it happens.

A massage of almond oil ends headaches when there is severe pain in the head. Grind almond seeds with vinegar and prepare it as a thick substance, and where there is a headache, applying it on the head ends headache, sciatica, and intoxication.

Soak 10 kernels of almonds, 6 grams of Brahmi herbs, and 7 whole black peppers at night and peel them in the morning and grind them to make it cool and mix sugar candy in it and drink it continuously for 40 days to relieve any kind of headache. it happens. A massage of almond oil ends headaches when there is severe pain in the head.

Eating 5 soaked almonds and take 10 benefits – Grind almond seeds with vinegar and prepare it as a thick substance, and where there is a headache, applying it on the head ends headache, sciatica, and intoxication.

For metal enhancement: Mix 10 grams of butter or fresh khoya, almonds, sugar, Kangol, honey and cardamom in 15 grams of cow’s ghee and take it for 7 days. Soak almond kernel in warm water. After this, peel the almonds and grind them finely. Boil it in milk and make kheer. Eating sugar and ghee in it increases the strength and semen and also makes the brain sharp.

Bajikaran Anubhav Sum

  1. Grind equal quantity of Ashland, big bunches, salemampja, white musli, vidarkand, Akara, asparagus and keep it in fine powder. Taking 2 to 2 grams of this powder with hot milk mixed with sugar candy in the morning and evening, arouses arousal and increases the strength of the penis. Mixing this juice with apple juice and taking 1 cup daily regularly increases the strength of the person.
  2. Grind 500 grams of gooseberry, 200 grams of gooseberry powder, 200 grams of pure crushed seed powder, 200 grams of tamarind seed kernel, 50 grams of small peppers together, and keep it in one place. By eating 25 grams of it with milk mixed with sugar candy in the morning and evening, there is extraordinary work power in men. This use is also beneficial in the sexuality of women, loosening of breasts, premature ejaculation, etc. Drinking 1 glass of apple juice after half an hour is beneficial.

For brain coldness: The almonds should be peeled and baked on fire and eaten with sugar. Butter and sugar should be eaten after one hour of this. After this, applying almond oil three times a day in the head causes coolness in the brain.

For power: 50 grams almonds, 250 grams khova, one and a half kilos of sugar, 5-5 grams nutmeg and mace, 5 grams saffron, 5 grams of vashlochan, 5 grams of kamalaksha, 10 grams of cardamom, 10 grams of cinnamon, 1 kg of bay leaf, 10 grams of nagasar, 45 grams. Grind fine together with Bihidana and 3 grams cloves. After this, fry almonds and khoya in ghee. After this, all the medicines are cooked in sugar syrup and cooked. Eating it increases semen. The body is powerful and strong. Air disease is cured. The weakness that comes in the body after the fever ends, at that time, eating it provides much relief.

Dysuria: Soak 5 kernels of almonds in water. After that, peel and mix 7 small cardamoms and sugar candy according to taste and grind it and dissolve it in 1 glass of water and drink twice a day in the morning and evening, it provides relief in a burning sensation.

Menstrual disorders: Soak 1 almond and date palm in water during night time. Grind both in the morning with butter and sugar candy and consume them for 3 months.

Memory enhancer: Soak 10 grams of almond in water overnight and peel it in the morning and mix 12 grams of butter and sugar candy and eat it continuously for 1-2 months, it ends weakness of the brain.

If this is not possible, then grind 7 almonds, 10 grams of sugar candy and fennel for 40 days and drink it with warm milk at night, it ends weakness of the brain and increases eyesight. If this experiment is not possible, then grind 10 grams of almonds finely and mix in half a kilo of milk.

When the milk boils 3 times, it should be taken off, cooled and mixed with sugar. Almond kernel and fennel are finely ground in equal quantity. Take one spoon of it at night. The strength of the brain also increases with this experiment, it also removes the headache and physical weakness.

All types of eye diseases: Soaking almonds and drinking water mixed with water in the morning and drinking milk from above are beneficial in diseases like watery eyes, falling eyes, weakness of the eyes, tired eyes.

Chickenpox: By drinking 5 almonds in the morning in the morning, the chickenpox fills quickly and also gets cured quickly.

Harmful effects: There is a type of poison in bitter almonds, so it is necessary to take care that it is not used in food. Apart from this, the consumption of almonds is also not beneficial for people suffering from blood disorders.

Note: This information is given on the basis of various research and study. Be sure to consult a doctor before consuming anything.

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About Sac Jag

I am SACHIN, (Microsoft.Net Developer) I am working on technologies like C#.Net, ASP.NET, Crystal Report etc. Through this blog, I am trying to sharing good information which I have been learned every day related to the moultiple topic. Thanks!

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