Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Symptoms of corona virus-infohubspot

The coronavirus spread from China has caused outrage in many countries around the world including India.

The virus is catching people in India, America, Tibet, Thailand, Japan, and Mongolia. After Mumbai, Coronavirus has also knocked in Rajasthan and Bihar.

A patient infected with this virus has been found in Bihar. Symptoms of coronavirus have been found in a girl returned from China, who has been admitted to the hospital.

A deadly virus has killed

This deadly virus has killed 80 people in China and confirmed 2,744 infected patients. According to a CNN report, 461 of these patients remain in critical condition.

The coronavirus first spread in Wuhan city of China in December last year. From here, the virus spread rapidly throughout China and started engulfing people with Symptoms of coronavirus.

After Wuhan, the virus reached Beijing, Shanghai, Macao, and Hong Kong and people started getting infected.

The National Health Commission of China says that the infection period of this coronavirus is 10 days and special care has to be taken to prevent it in these days.

Two patients already infected with Coronavirus Symptoms have been confirmed in Japan. Actually, the Coronavirus Symptoms is entering other countries only through travelers coming to other countries from the city of Wuhan.

The Coronavirus has stepped in only through travelers returning from China and Hong Kong. For this reason, China has already banned travel of more than 35 million inhabitants of its 12 cities.

What Coronavirus Symptoms Look Like, Day By Day

What is coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a type of virus that is infected. The World Health Organization has warned people about the virus. The Coronavirus is spread from one person to another through infection.

In all the countries of the world, this virus is reaching only through travelers coming from China.

The symptoms of this virus are similar to those of pneumonia. This virus is a virus belonging to the coronavirus family.

Coronavirus is also found in animals.

The Coronavirus Symptoms spread among the people of China through marine animals. People living around the sea in South China were first caught by the virus, including the city of Wuhan.

The Coronavirus Symptoms spread to people through the markets of South China where a lot of sea creatures are found.

In this market, sea creatures are also found alive and their flesh is also found. From here, the virus caught the residents of China.

Symptoms of coronavirus

  1. Fever
  2. Breathing problem
  3. Cold and cough
  4. Cough
  5. Frequent runny nose
  6. Headache
  7. Organ failure (stop the functioning of organs)

No antibiotic of any kind works in the coronavirus.

The antibiotic was given in the flu also does not work in this virus. To prevent hospitalized organs from failing, they are given the maximum amount of fluid.

The coronavirus that spreads from animals is both cervical acute respiratory syndrome (severe respiratory symptoms) and middle eastern respiratory tract syndrome.

Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome

Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) spreads to humans through African and Shiite camels.

A bat is an organism that contains both coronaviruses, a type of acute respiratory syndrome (severe respiratory symptoms) and middle eastern respiratory tract syndrome.

In such a situation, it is not yet known whether this coronavirus is spread in humans through snakes or bats because it is a different type of coronavirus.

Civil acute respiratory syndrome (severe respiratory symptoms) first spread in 2002 in China.

At the time, the Coronavirus Symptoms spread from here to 37 countries and more than eight thousand people were affected and there were more than 750 deaths.

How is the coronavirus causing havoc outside China?

Patients from this Coronavirus are also being confirmed outside China. A fifth patient infected with the Coronavirus has been confirmed in the US on Sunday.

Singapore’s Health Department says that four patients with coronavirus have been confirmed. Four patients infected with the virus have been confirmed in Australia.

In France, two patients infected with the coronavirus have been confirmed. Nepal also says that a patient infected with Coronavirus has been found there too.

In this way, this virus is causing panic for many countries outside the world.

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